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About ACO Technology Centre India
a subdivision of ACO Ahlmann SE & Co. KG

ACO Technology Centre was incorporated in January 2010 with the intent of providing engineering services to ACO group companies worldwide. In 2014, we started providing IT services and recently we have started IoT & Electronics services for our group companies.


is to be the preferred value adding partner for ACO Group companies by providing innovative Solutions and Allied Services.


is to provide the ACO Group with competent, accurate and professional engineering, information technology and allied services and solutions that are innovative, cost effective and aligned to present and future requirements

Quality Policy

The Quality Policy of ACO TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, India, is to enhance the satisfaction levels of our Partners and all Stake-holders by,

  • Meeting all quality requirements by fulfilling the stated and implied needs
  • Achieving excellence in the way we work through continual improvement
  • Meeting all commitments of cost, delivery and service
  • Engaging competent and self-driven professionals
  • Ensuring compliance to all legal and regulatory requirements

Our Focus areas: