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IoT & Electronics

ACO TC offers end-to-end Smart IoT and Electronics product development Services cutting across all 6 layers of IoT and all PIP development phases. ACO TC has built a full-fledged Electronics Lab and built a team of experienced engineers with proven experience with the goal of supporting global ACO divisions. ACO divisions can significantly leverage this capability to accelerate their Smart product ideas through their development cycles. Since the inception of the Smart team in 2020, ACO TC team have successfully launched 1 Smart product along with associated Smart services and Manufacturing/testing line set-up in India. ACO TC is looking forward for opportunities to make significant contributions in Smart Digital transformation Journey of ACO group.

The goal of Smart water management is to provide superior value to customers by digitising the different stages of water management through integration of sensors, smart connected controllers/ gateways, intelligent IoT cloud platform, data analytics, and AI/ ML services.
ACO TC Technology Centre is your trusted partner in conception to implementation of smart solutions catering to specific business unit needs.

  • Ideation & Solution Architecture Development
  • Embedded & Wireless Hardware Product Development
  • IoT, Cloud & Software Application Development